Missing Skincare


Missing Skincare


You were always in our mind when we started Missing Skincare

The way skincare products are sold to you with product first mentality — we have a problem with this!
These are our two main principles below.

1 We care about you

At missing skincare, you are our main focus. We take time to understand you, then find the products that fits you. You no longer have to adjust or try to fit in a product. We do not earn any commission suggesting or selling products to you. We choose not to earn so that we can focus on only one thing— to build your best authentic skincare space ever! You are our one and only priority.

2 Keep it in balance

Our founder Sajana Shrestha is an Esthetician who believes in using skincare to protect your skin and not to be influenced by social media— we know it’s hard. But don’t worry we are here to take care of you. Through our social media @missingskincare we will educate you and entertain you about holistic skincare that will help you keep your skin and care in balance, so you are well protected. All of our social media videos are non sponsored and ads free.